Chapter 18

“You game?” Conley asked.

“You bet. Who knows where we’ll end up, but it could be fun finding out.”

The road twisted and turned for a mile or more before they saw an even narrower one veering to the right. Conley turned and pulled the car to a stop at the side of the road.

“Now let’s hope we can find it again,” Brian said as they took off on foot into the trees. Walking wasn’t too hard as they were going up a reasonably gentle slope. At the top, they came upon massive boulders. “I say we climb to the top of them. I bet the view is great.”

It was, so Brian immediately went to work, filling several pages of his drawing pad.

“Look,” Conley whispered a while later, pointing into the trees.

It took Brian a moment to see what he meant. Then he rapidly did a sketch of a doe and her fawns before they vanished. “Now if a bear or mountain lion showed up, I’d be a happy camper,” he said.

“I’d be running hell-bent for the car,” Conley replied with a laugh.