Chapter 28

“Why not? It’s better than pissing and moaning about something you can’t change.”

“We could spend the rest of the afternoon at downtown at the Christkindl Market. I bet there are plenty for sale there.”

“No. Way. In. Hell,” Brian replied emphatically. “I’m beat. Besides—” He gestured toward the side window, “—it’s snowing.”

“Neither wind nor rain nor snow…”

“That’s postmen, not me. I’m going to fix a late lunch, or early supper. We haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.”

“That would make it what? Lupper? Supunch?”

“Let’s call it food and leave it at that,” Brian replied, rolling his eyes.

They decided on spaghetti with tofu meatballs and a salad. The first time Conley had made the meatballs, a couple of months ago, Brian had been certain they’d be inedible—until he tasted them. Now they were a staple in their diet, along with tofu hamburgers.

“I’ll make a vegetarian out of you yet,” Conley had said more than once.