Chapter 14

“My dear Mr. Lambert. What a positively glorious evening, wouldn’t you agree?” she said, fanning herself. She looked up at Standish with interest. “I don’t think I’ve been introduced to your friend?” She looked at him to rectify the matter. David made the introductions and allowed her to take over the conversation. Standish was as charming and witty as he was handsome, so he remained quiet and at an opportune moment, excused himself.

He spent the rest of the evening circulating and avoiding Standish, but in doing so, damned well bumped into Charnley.

“We need to speak,” Charnley said as he stood beside him, watching the dancing. David gritted his teeth. It was time he retired. Being hunted was not a feeling he enjoyed.

“This is hardly the time or the place,” David said with a pleasant smile.

“Well, meet me somewhere. Anywhere.”

David didn’t like the edge in Charnley’s voice. “When we get back to London.”

“Lambert, this is serious. I need to speak to you.”