* * * *
Jeremy roused to find himself cocooned in warmth and softness with David Lambert’s hands all over him. He squirmed and peeled his eyes open. David was stroking him and kissing his way down his body.
“Nice,” he murmured and groaned when David cupped his jewels, and then took hold of his cock, overwhelming him and cradling him in warmth. In that moment, he realised he wanted to keep this. Keep this feeling of being wanted, cared for; pleasured. Clean linen, warm, spacious rooms and sleeping in a soft bed with soft sheets. The thought of returning to sleeping in the narrow cot he called a bed with scratchy blankets in a tiny, cramped space he had to share was disheartening in the extreme.
“What is it?” David said, noting Jeremy’s distraction and pausing in his exploration.
Jeremy sighed. “I was admiring the softness of your bed.”
David peered down at him with an arched eyebrow. “Are you finding my technique lacking?”