Chapter 29

And what about the man sat downstairs? What about the fact that all the money and lovely things he had been given came from a man who stole money to be able to give them to him? A man whose entire life was a lie.

Head pounding, he stood. He picked up his portmanteau and made a decision. This was a chance at a better life, at respectability. A life filled with soft fabric and colour. He wasn’t going to let it go, and he wasn’t going to become embroiled in the life of a man who could, at any given moment, be caught, flung in Newgate gaol and hung. He wasn’t going to fall for a man who could lie and cheat and steal his way through life. No matter how gorgeous, how kind, or how much he seemed to understand. He needed to leave. Needed to forget all about David Lambert, or Albert Potts, and walk away. Walk towards a new life. A respectable life.