“Christ!” he muttered as he grabbed the reins again, his sudden jerk spooked the horses and made them stamp, clattering hooves against the cobbles and jangling the harnesses.
Jeremy stood determinedly clutching the portmanteau he had bought him. Smart in his new clothes, wind ruffling through his now silky, black hair.
“What did you mean?” he said.
David eyed him cautiously. “You have lost me.”
“You said, I couldn’t do the same. What did you mean?”
David knew exactly what he meant. The words had been spoken in the heat of the moment, and he had no desire to re-hash either them or his wayward feelings. He had closed the door on it. It was done.
“I don’t have the foggiest notion of what you are on about. Would you excuse me?” he nodded in a pointed fashion.
Jeremy put a hand on the carriage. “Yes, you do. Tell me what you meant.”