Chapter 36

“Some like to wear them all the time.”

Jeremy seemed to think about this carefully.

David looked at those beautiful eyes. “Would you…do you wish you were a woman? That you could wear them all the time?”

Jeremy appeared to give the question careful thought before he shook his head. “No. I don’t think I want to bea woman, I just envy them their clothes, the colours and the softness…” He looked up at David. “I would love to make women’s clothes. Design them, sew them. Have all the women of the Ton come to me for their ball gowns, day dresses…” He stopped. “I wish I had long hair.” His eyes were wistful. Thoughtful.

“Go on,” David whispered.

Jeremy sagged a little. “I’m mad. I know that. You don’t have to say it.”

“No, you’re not.” David wanted to…God, he didn’t know what he wanted to do but Jeremy was so…so…

“So, you have met people like me?” The smile dimmed a little. “Have you bedded them?”

David gave him a long look. “I have never bedded anyone like you.”