He relaxed his formal pose and smiled. “I kid you not. Don’t ever call me Albert. Fair warning.”
Jeremy laughed again and shook his head. “Cross my heart.” He made a crossing gesture on his jacket.
David drained the last of his coffee. “We should be able to make London before too long. How are your bruises?”
“A little sore, but I’m sure I will be fine.” He had taken more of the vile draught. He didn’t want to apply more of the salve in case it ruined his new clothes. “Where do you live?”
David appeared to hesitate a moment. “I have a set in Albany. Piccadilly.”
“Albany?” Isn’t that the new place, where Marlborough had a house? I remember Sir Granville talking about it. That’s a bit high in the instep, isn’t it?”
“Exceedingly. I’ll have you know, my consequence is enormous.”
“I can’t go there,” Jeremy said with a disbelieving laugh.
“Why not?”
“Because, I’m a footman.” His voice rose an octave at the notion.