Chapter 38

A tap on the door made him jump, and he turned to find a tall, slender woman wearing an apron over a high-necked cream dress with a small floral print standing in the doorway. Her fair hair was tucked into a lace cap, which was tied neatly under her chin, and she was frowning at David. She looked like a housekeeper.

“You’re later than we expected.”

Jeremy held his breath at the sheer impertinence, his gaze flashing between the newcomer and David.

“Change of plan,” David said with a smile. “Good to see you.” To Jeremy’s amazement, he went and kissed the woman on the cheek. “Mrs. Crawford, may I introduce you to Mr. Jeremy Naylor. Mr. Naylor will be staying with me for a little while. Could you arrange for him to have the blue chamber?”

He turned to Jeremy. “Mr. Naylor, I’d like you to meet Mrs. Josephine Crawford. She looks after us all, keeps us in order, and feeds us.”

Jeremy bowed. “Delighted to meet you.”