“And being a slave?”
Jeremy sighed. He’d listened to the discussions in Sir Granville’s house. He barely saw them as people. It was easy to push it to the back of one’s mind. But now, standing here with David…
“Horrible. So, you support the abolitionists?”
“I most certainly do.”
A thought struck Jeremy. “With money?”
David shrugged. Jeremy shook his head. This was all getting complicated. It was easier when everyone knew their position.
“All I wanted was to be respectable and make my brother proud. I know it’s only the surface, because underneath it all I know I’m far from respectable. I’m…” He shrugged.
“Being in service is respectable.” David pursed his lips. “I don’t mean to disparage you, but in my view, people should have choices about what they do, and be paid a fair wage. Wouldn’t you rather do something other than be trussed up in a footman’s uniform opening doors for bored aristocrats?”