“Need any help?”
“I told you before, no.” Kevin just stared, his gorgeous blue eyes solemn. Hardly seemed like the same guy who’d just been begging him.
“What are we having?” Michael decided to act casual. He already knew he needed to tread cautiously against this particular aspect of Kevin’s personality. He’d known it before when Kevin was a teen. He’d already become reacquainted with it since meeting up with Kevin recently.
“Chicken-and-mushroom pie.”
“Yum. Sounds good.” He was trying to lighten the mood, but it seemed pretty clear Kevin wasn’t going for it. The man just continued to stare at him. “Okay, spit it out. The surly act is starting to get to me.”
Kevin nodded. “Okay. Did you pay the rent on my apartment?”
“Yes.” He saw no reason to lie about it. He’d pay the rent again.
“Why? I can’t afford to pay you back.”
“I didn’t ask you to,” Michael responded. “I didn’t want you to worry or stress out about it, Kevin. I knew it was bothering you.”