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Chapter 19

“I didn’t want you or anyone else working for Lewis. He implied he wanted to make you have sex with him for money.”

“Isn’t that what you’re doing?”

“What?” Okay, now his own calm reasonableness slipped a bit.

“It’s the same thing, isn’t it? You’re basically paying me to sleep with you. It’s just wrapped up in a prettier picture. The apartment, the job, all of that. You’re trying to buy me. Like I’m your kept boy.”

That threw him for a loop. He’d never imagined in a million years Kevin would view it in that light. He’d thought their attraction, their relationship—wherever it was going—had been mutual. He’d taken for granted since Kevin wanted him before, he still wanted him now. But now that Michael thought about it, he had been pursuing Kevin pretty hard, and Kevin had been just letting it happen.