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Chapter 24

Charlie cleared his throat. “Why don’t you help me clear the plates, Noah?”

“Okay.” They rose, picked up dishes, and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving him alone with Kevin. Not alone enough as far as he was concerned.

“Is everything all right, babe?” Michael grasped Kevin’s hand, and ran his thumb over the warm skin there.



Kevin met his gaze, swallowed. “When we had a fight, did you—”

“No, I didn’t,” Michael said. “And I wouldn’t. Not ever, Kevin. I did learn my lesson with Felix and that was a different relationship and I was a different person then.”

Kevin smiled a little. “Okay.”

He sighed. “I know our fight last week has you thinking. The truth is, I really hate fighting. I know that sounds crazy considering I’m a lawyer and I fight and argue all day long. Maybe that’s why it bothers me so much on a personal level.”