WebNovelCar Wash89.29%

Chapter 25

* * * *

Michael glanced at Kevin, reclining in the passenger seat, as he took the freeway onramp. “You do know I’m taking you to my house, right?” He’d almost said our housebut decided it was too soon after making up to push it that far.

“I expected that.”

“Do you want to stop at your apartment for your things?” He decided he wouldpush it thatfar. He wanted Kevin to know he expected they’d spend the weekend together at the very least. They had some catching up to do.

“No, I don’t want to waste the time. I want to be naked and in your bed as soon as possible.” Kevin grinned.

“Sounds like we want the same thing.” Michael watched him for a moment, unable to completely set aside his concern. “You look really tired. Are you feeling all right?”

Kevin sighed. “I am tired. I haven’t slept well all week.”

“Is it the job? You’re not worried, are you? Because I hear you’re doing great. Everyone really likes you and thinks you are very smart.”