I didn’t hate him as much as he hated me. That’s all I’d be able to say if they asked me to come up and say a few words. That, and “If gay people really do go to Hell then I hope I live to be over a hundred so I can put off seeing him again.” Maybe I’ll save myself the trouble and preemptively kick myself out of the church…
Cole’s ultimate conclusion was that he was going, like it or not. He had come all this way, faced every other fear or discomfort, and he would be damned if that old man was going to make him feel unwanted anywhere else. He was going to walk into that funeral with his head high. Anyone who had a problem with that was not his concern. Cole would be on his best behavior, so if people wanted to start shit they were only going to make themselves look bad.
Daniel’s response to his text solidified this decision. You’ve been tough so far. I know you can survive one more afternoon. This time tomorrow we’ll be back at the ranch, and when we get home… ;)