Chapter 24

He reached between their bodies to jerk Brandon’s cock. The sex was rough, frantic, and they couldn’t seem to slow it down if they wanted to. Tim didn’t. Not really. He wanted it to last; that much he did want, because he couldn’t seem to get enough of Brandon, but he just couldn’t make himself go slow. He was becoming addicted. It had never been like this. He should be scared. Was in a way.

Tim pushed aside those thoughts and concentrated on fucking Brandon against the shower’s slippery tile. Tim rode him harder still, pounding into him. Brandon’s cock jumped in his hand, and then the man was yelling, biting Tim’s shoulder as cum shot from his dick.

As though his own cock had only been waiting for the signal from Brandon, Tim came hard enough to make his knees buckle. They both detangled their limbs and dropped to the bottom of the large glass shower, panting heavily.

His knees bent to his chest, Tim rested his head on his crossed arms. “You all right?”

“Sore. Damn.”