He squeezed Brody’s knee
“All I have is surfing. There is nothing else interesting about me. When people find out what I do, they lose interest. I live at home and share a room with my brother. I have a dead-end job, and no qualifications. There’s nothing worth knowing about me.”
“There is,” Finn said. “I said I wanted to know all of you, and I mean it. I want to know Brody, not just the surfer, but the shell collector, the bird watcher, the burger flipper.”
Brody snorted. “I don’t flip burgers.”
“Whatever you do, I want to know the big brother, I want to know the son with the magical bracelets.”
Brody laughed, then sniffed loudly, and turned his head.
“And the brat?”
“Yes, the brat too. I want to know all of you, every part.”
Brody rubbed at his eyes. “I have nothing to offer you.”
“Offer me?”
“You’re a lifeguard. You live in a stylish flat, you keep yourself in shape. You’re a goddamn hero.”