“So, do you want me to drop you off?”
Brody reached into his pocket and tugged his phone free. He flashed Finn a look, then positioned his phone in the sat nav holder. Finn frowned, and looked at the route.
“Ten minutes away.” Brody whispered.
Finn watched him for a few mute moments, then nodded. They drove in silence, and Finn wracked his brains thinking of the road layouts, and what was only ten minutes from the beach. Then he stiffened as he realized Brody lived near the beach.
Finn shuffled in his seat and licked his lips. “You know I am sorry.”
Brody didn’t reply. His hands fidgeted manically on his lap, and he rolled his shoulders.
Finn pulled up to the address and sagged in disappointment. It wasn’t the supermarket, but a small shop with enough space for four cars to park outside.
“We’re here.” Finn said, turning off the engine.
Brody didn’t lift his gaze. He studied his fingers as he picked at his nails.
“What do you need at the shop?” Finn asked.