Chapter 11

At midday, the prisoners ate their daily porridge, returned their bowls to the serving boys, and made themselves as comfortable as they could. The long afternoon hours dragged by, and he welcomed the darkness. His weakened state meant sleep came swiftly, though he discovered it would never be restful. He had awoken the past two mornings feeling only slightly more rested than he’d been the evening before.

But that night, something unusual happened.

Outside, the sound of drunken singing, punctuated by loud cheers, filled the fire-lit darkness. The noise kept Brennus from his dreams. A while later, one of the serving boys entered the tent, carrying a goblet.

“The men are celebrating,” said the boy, speaking the language of Brennus’s people. “They thought you might enjoy this.”

Brennus couldn’t see the guard’s face, but noticed him nod. Brennus doubted the guard could have understood the words, but wine was wine in any language, if it was in fact wine.