Chapter 12

“We’ll head north,” said Cyprian. “As you told me before, there are no Red Devils in Pictish country.”

Brennus grinned. “Red Devils?”

Cyprian laughed. “We know what you call us.”

They ran through the night, never stopping, but slowing to a walk whenever one of them needed a rest. By the time dawn broke, they’d put quite a number of miles between themselves and the encampment. On the way, they’d jettisoned their armour and helmets only to discover the night was a good deal colder without them. But the less they looked like Red Devils, the better.

They’d passed two villages and eventually entered wilder, hillier country. In the scant light of a new day, they managed to find a small overhang in an outcrop of rocks hidden by tall grass. Taking care not to flatten the grass, Brennus held it down so Cyprian could squeeze into the small space, then he stepped over it and joined him.

“I think this is what’s known as hiding in plain sight,” said Cyprian.