Chapter 13

“What are you bringing him here for?”

The first man held up a hand. “He’s no Red Devil.”

Brennus nodded. “I’m one of you.”

“He escaped the Red Devils. He’s hungry and needs clothing.”

An older man, possibly the patriarch, stood. “We’re happy to help in any way we can, but you can’t stay here. We can’t risk you bringing those damned Red Devils down on us.”

“He knows that, father. He just wants some food and clothes.”

Brennus wondered how he could possibly ask for two sets of clothes with the family already being so kind. It was a question he’d have plenty of time to ponder. The family invited him to sit at their hearth, and as he ate the bread and meat he’d been given, he thought of Cyprian outside in the darkness and felt increasingly guilty with each satisfying mouthful he swallowed.

As it turned out, the gods must have been smiling on him, for after the meal, the young man brought him two sets of clothes andsome food “for the road.”