Chapter 14

It was an essential education, for Cyprian especially. It would help him blend in. And blend in is what he would need to do.

Eventually, they came to another village, much larger than any they’d encountered previously. The surrounding fields were being ploughed, the fresh furrows a rich brown against the dull brown of the unturned earth. Women with aprons full of seed followed behind, scattering the seeds for what would become that year’s second grain crop.

Brennus grinned. “This will be a good opportunity to practice your pronunciation.”

They entered the open gates and walked along a path that appeared to curve through the village centre, splitting it into two neat halves. On either side of them, people went about their daily business, though many of the passers-by eyed the two strangers suspiciously.

“Something’s up,” said Brennus. “We’d better be on our guard.”