Chapter 15

Together, the three men hefted the heavy sacks into the hut and returned to scoop up the grain the Red Devil’s sword had spilled.

Brennus wiped the sweat from his brow. “I’m well and truly looking forward to that meal. I’ve built up quite an appetite. How about you, Caradoc?”

“I could eat a horse.”

The man grumbled. “You’ll be getting no horse here.”

What they did get was a thick porridge with pork and vegetables, and a crust of bread. And while the man slaked his thirst with ale, he offered only water to the travellers, for which they were sincerely grateful. 5

“Caradoc?” asked Cyprian once they were on the road again. “Caradoc?”

“I had to think quickly,” explained Brennus. “What would have happened if I’d called you Cyprian?”

“It was a close call all round. I mean, those Red Devils were obviously looking for someone.”

“It might not have been you.”

“We’ll never know, will we?”