“You had nothing to do with this, but thank you.”
A disturbed expression passed over her face, and Laurie was going to ask what was wrong, but then he looked into Wheat’s eyes, and it just about broke his heart to see the sadness there. He reached for Wheat’s other hand.
“Everything will turn out okay.” Of course Laurie wasn’t certain of that, but if he could give Wheat some hope for a little while…
Wheat leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.” He shook himself and looked around. “Does everyone want coffee?”
As it turned out, Jo had stocked up on coffee. “For Althea.” She’d blushed when Laurie had teased her about it. His sister wasn’t a coffee fiend; she preferred getting her caffeine fix from Coke or Pepsi, which was a sorry state of affairs, since even if they could find a supply of the soda, it wouldn’t be long before it went flat. “At the station, I was always running out for coffee for her.”