
Chapter 65

“I’m sorry we don’t have a more private room,” Wheat said as he folded the board.

“It’s okay.” They’d decided it would be a good idea for them all to stay on the main level for this night at least. Fortunately, the large sofa in the great room opened into a king-size bed, which Wheat had told him the family used when cousins had come to visit when they were all little.

“Not so much now,” he’d said. “We’re all busy with our own lives.”

And who even knew if any of their relatives were still alive?

Laurie pushed the morbid thoughts out of his mind. In the morning they’d consider what they were going to do in the long run. Wheat knew this area very well, and during breaks while they were playing, he’d mentioned scavenging for more supplies and possibly seeing if there were any survivors in town.

“I’m going to check on Mother,” Wheat murmured as Laurie pulled open the sleeper sofa.

“All right. I’ll make up the bed. Where are the blankets and pillows?”