Chapter 32

No park rangers were in sight. He loaded his pistol and put it on safety. Shoving ammo into the shotgun, he racked it, pushed it under his jacket, and headed into the valley.

The moment his boots hit the ground, a powerful urge to change swept through him like the incoming tide. Determined to keep Logan safe, Blaze resisted its pull. He gritted his teeth and slipped into the trees, remaining downwind like Logan. In stealth mode, he moved fast in a low crouch across the loam until he was closing in on him, but when he glanced in his direction again, his heart jolted.

The black wolf had spotted Logan and was closing in on him.

Logan had seen the wolf and was standing tall, legs apart in a strong stance, hands on his hips, like an alpha himself…a Shoshone alpha.

Pride and love for the man he cared so much about welled up in Blaze. Fear for him almost crowded it out.