He snorted. She also did yoga and he wasn’t about to try and twist his body like that. Unless it was during sex.
He was also a Chief’s fan and being behind the counter and not watching the action was hard sometimes. He recorded the games so he could watch at home, but knowing the outcome kind of spoiled it.
The lines slowed—they always did once the liquor stopped flowing—and the supervisor told them to start shutting down the stand, but keep two registers open for another fifteen minutes. Callum agreed to be one of the open cashiers and spent most of the time refilling soda and selling bottles of water. A few people wanted pretzel bites with the traffic-cone-colored cheese and he tried not to grimace as the last of the cheese oozed out of the machine. The thing was, the cheese was tasty…he just didn’t like to see it squishing out. He turned and forced a smile at the frowning customer as he handed him his purchase.