He blew out a relieved breath. “Okay. Because I wouldn’t have tried if you were happy. I wouldn’t be here if you were dating someone. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy, Jojo.”
I let the nickname go and instead focused on the rest of it. “And that’s why you broke my heart? Because you wanted me to be happy?”
“Jesus, Jo. Okay. Of course you weren’t happy then. But after. I didn’t contact you the whole time I was overseas because I’d hoped you’d moved on. I was shitty for ending things, and I wanted you to…” He waved his hand in the air, as though he couldn’t find the words.
“Did you really think about me, Cooper? Or is it that you’re stateside again and I’m here and available and easy and comfortable?” I did my best to keep any accusation out of my tone, because the truth was, I could understand that. We had a lot of history, he and I, and it would make sense that he’d want that.