Chapter 9

I had to be sure.

“I…” I croaked. I cleared my throat and tried again. “I need to think.”

Cooper smiled slowly as he sat back. “You do that, Jojo. You know where I am when you’re ready.”

Once again I fled to my bedroom. I paced. I sat and stared. I kept running everything over in my head. Could I trust him? Could I forgive him? My heart was screaming “yes,” but my head urged caution.

And then, just as quickly, everything inside me calmed. We were stuck together for at least another couple of days. And one thing he said was true—he knew my biggest passion and loved me for it. Had never even blinked and just embraced it. Our history was rocky, but even though he should have talked to me instead of breaking things off, I knew, deep in my soul, that I could trust him.

With a smile, I opened my duffle and reached for the bag at the bottom. Then I went into the bathroom, shut the door, and got ready. 6