Chapter 12

Suddenly, I wanted nothing more than to hear his voice, even if I couldn’t have him there with me. I called him, and the phone rang so many times I thought I was going to have to leave a message before he picked up at the last second.

“Hi. What’s wrong? You okay?”

I chuckled, because he sounded flustered and sleepy, and really, I loved hearing it. “Everything’s fine. Hi. It’s not too late, is it?”

“No, of course not. It’s only…crap, it’s only a quarter to eight? I feel like it’s midnight.” He laughed, and even that sounded tired. “What’s up, Nick?’

I shrugged one shoulder. “I just wanted to hear your voice.”

He laughed again, this time tinged with a bit of flirtation. “That line usually work for you?”

I grinned. “Is it a line if it’s true?”

“You’re just…too much.” I could hear the smile in his words. “I mean that in a good way.”

I smirked, because that’s exactly what I wanted him to think. “How was your day?”