He regards me with interest. “We have a lot of catching up to do.”
“Indeed, we do.”
I mourned the little moments lost between us, like the deepening of his voice and the maturing of his features. The boyish charm he exuded as a teen had evolved into quiet, handsome sophistication.
“This is me.” He stops at a large, silver four-door truck. Trust Wes to drive one of the manliest looking trucks I’ve ever seen. My red Smart Car would look like a toy next to it.
“I think I might need a step stool to get up into this thing.” My nervousness is rearing its head again.
“I don’t mind giving you a lift.” His exaggerated wink sets me off giggling, ending in a snort.
Wes gives a hearty laugh. “You snort now? I don’t recall ever hearing you snort.” He turns the key in the ignition and the truck roars to life.
“Appears to be a new thing for me. My first snort, I believe. You must bring it out in me.”