“I’m sorry to hear you had to endure so much.” He put down his pad and pen. “Why do you think they singled you out?”
“I don’t know. Because I was different, I suppose.”
“How were you different?”
“I was gay. I didn’t know it then, but there must have been something about me they could see that I couldn’t. They knew I was inferior to them and I guess, like wild animals, they attacked me because I was weaker.”
“Do you think being gay makes you inferior?”
Caleb sniffed back his tears and pondered the question. “In some ways.”
“In which ways?”
“I can’t have children. Well, not in the normal way.”
“Many heterosexual couples can’t have children the ‘normal’ way. That doesn’t mean a thing. How else?”
“Gay people don’t have the same rights as straight people.”