That felt like a lie even as Michael told it to himself. He cleared his throat.
“I don’t have a hard-on for him.”
Lorraine giggled.
“I didn’t mean the sort of hard-on where you think he’s the killer.”
“Stop it, Lorraine.” Michael pulled himself closer to the desk as someone passed the door. He didn’t want to explain why he was sitting there talking to a female colleague with an erection. “I just think that Spyros is the key to this somehow. He’s not the killer, but he’s playing a part. And I don’t think he knows he’s playing it.”
“If you say so.” Lorraine tapped the open notepad at her elbow. “I’ve still got him on the list of suspects. All the girls were at Level 2 the night before they died, and all of them have been seen on CCTV flirting with him.”
“Sipsis is gay.”
“Gay people can kill as well. And maybe he said it just to throw you off.” Lorraine sighed. “But, sadly, all of his alibis check out, so it wasn’t him.”