“Le Beaujolais-Villages Primeur, merci.”
The waiter nodded and left them.
Shane was impressed, and a little intimidated. “You speak French?”
“A few words,” he said, smiling. “And you just heard most of them.”
After the waiter had brought their wine and taken their order, Shane felt it was a good time to announce some news of his own.
“Since meeting you, my life has changed. The thing is, I want it to change even more. I’m not ashamed of what I do, but driving a forklift day after day is pretty boring.”
Michael listened intently, nodding and smiling at him encouragingly as he spoke.
“I’ve decided I’m going to apply to do an electrician course. I’ve already looked it up. It’s called Electrical Technology. I don’t have to pay for it now, and after I qualify, I’ll be bringing in almost three times what I’m making now. And, even better, I’ll have a qualification.”
Michael’s smile became a grin. The candlelight reflecting in his eyes made them look as though they were sparkling.