Chapter 11

Grant’s gaze raked over those on the block and stopped when he came to number five. “Oh, my God!” he said, his eyes widened in horror. “Paris,” he breathed softly. Paris’s chained hands were high above his head, hanging from the horizontal bar. Even though his lazy eyes looked at him, Grant wondered if he recognized him. “Paris!” he whispered as he gazed up at him.

“Gra…” Paris started to say but couldn’t seem to finish.

“God!” Grant said, a sob in his voice. For the first time in his life, he wanted to kill someone. If it took every breath in his body, he would find the one responsible for capturing Paris and bringing him here. “I’ll get you down, Paris. I promise. I’ll do everything I can to get you free of this place.” From where he stood, he examined his body and saw a few whip marks. This made Grant’s anger begin to spew like the hottest volcano. “Hey!” he yelled as loud as he could. “Hey!” he yelled again while looking around for whoever was supposed to be in charge.