Chapter 12

“Max,” Grant said, his voice soft and threatening. “I’d advise you to get out of my way because I intend to leave this place with both me and Paris in good health.”

He waved his gun and widened his stance. “You’ll have to go through all of us, Grant.”

Grant looked beyond him. “All of you?” He looked back at Max. “All of who?”

Max looked around. “Cowards,” he spat out.

“As you can see, it’s just you and me, Max. And I wouldn’t fool with Paris, if I were you. He’s already killed someone by the name of Eli.”

“Eli? Eli is dead?” He looked around. “Where the hell are my men? What’s going on here?”

Just then a far-off siren sounded.

“There’s your reason, Max. They probably heard the police sirens. Time to give it up, Max.”

“Never!” Max growled.

Just then Grant saw Paris move quickly. With one swift kick, Max’s gun was sailing through the air just before he grabbed his gun hand, bared his sparkling white teeth, and bit him.