Chapter 12

But God, the way Logan was eyeing him made it clear he was interested. The awkwardness from dinner had evaporated and he knew in his gut if he let Logan know he felt the attraction, too, they’d be in bed in mere seconds.

And yeah, while it would be mind-blowing—of that he had no doubt—it could also lead to trouble and he didn’t need to be hiding out from his new neighbor for the next ten years. So, he pushed aside his wants and pointed to the upside down laundry basket.

“If you lift it, I’ll grab him with the towel.” He frowned at the amusement in Logan’s eyes. “He bites me. Every fucking time.”

Logan nodded, a smile on his lips that he wisely kept from blooming, and leaned forward. “Ready?”


Logan raised the basket and Bailey barked as soon as he eyed Charlie. But Shawn was able to scoop him into the towel before the damn rodent could run off. “Thanks,” he said before scurrying to Clem’s room and depositing him in the cage.