When he let go and stepped back, Shawn’s gorgeous blue eyes took him in, and a slow smile spread across his face.
“I better get going.”
“Do you have a scraper?”
He laughed. “I may be a newbie, but I at least know to have an ice scraper in the truck. Andrea ordered me to get one,” he admitted, glad he’d listened to her.
“Why don’t you leave Bailey here while you get the truck warmed up?”
Logan nodded. “Thanks.”
Logan opened the door, letting in some wickedly cold air, then hurried into the storm. His feet slid a few times in the fresh snow before he finally reached his truck. He climbed in and shivered, eager to get the engine running.
He slid the key into the ignition and turned. Nothing. Shit. He tried again. Nothing. Shit again. He stared straight ahead and grimaced at the windshield, completely covered in snow.