Chip smiled, nodded, and said, “I’m glad it’s over, Fargo. We can sleep easy at night.”
The two men stared into each other’s eyes. There was an unbreakable connection that neither completely understood, but would decipher in the decades to come. Their bond of love for each other was strong and unyielding; something that they were both serious about. And it would overcome other harmful situations and tragedies in their life together. They only had each other. Without one there was nothing for the other. But two combined proved potent and everlasting in that lifetime, and the unidentifiable ones to follow.
THE ENDTaming Brooks
My arrival at Ranch Brooks in Stockton County, Oklahoma is sweaty-sweet. My instructions are simply stated on the back of Dallas Brooks’ business card: Go to Cabin Longwood, unpack, rest, and meet up with the staff at eight P.M. in Custers’ Hall for introductions.