Chapter 14

“That was part of his job. I have to find out as much as possible about young men who need my help.”

“Then it shouldn’t have been any surprise to you that the bastard came looking for me.” Davie paused, shaking his head. “It was for me, though, after more than six months.”

“He was hospitalized for three of them, in a coma.” Slade smiled dryly. “You pack quite a, well not a punch, but…”

“Do the cops know it was me?”

Slade nodded. “They do, but given what your mother told them and the note you left her, they decided you acted in self-defense.”

“No shit! Apparently he doesn’t believe in forgive and forget.”

“I’d say not, especially since your mother kicked him out of the house a month after he’d recovered.”

“A day late and all that, but still.” Davie shook his head sadly.

“Indeed. How did you feel about what you did to him?”