“Why a pistol, not a rifle? That’s what you carry when you’re on patrol.”
“I carry both,” Ran pointed out. “Up here, that’s fine and necessary. In the city you’d be pretty conspicuous with a rifle slung over your shoulder.”
“I am not carrying a gun down there. All I’d need would be for a cop…Wait a second. You mean you’re training me so I can do whatever Slade has planned down there?”
“If we decide you can handle it. I’m not saying you’ll have a gun, but I want you to know how to use one properly and accurately, anyway. Once I’m satisfied you can, we’ll move on to knives, which in my opinion will be more practical and the cops won’t hassle you as long as its blade is legal length or less, which in this state is three and a half inches.”
“Can we pass on the gun and jump right to the knife?” Davie asked hopefully.