Chapter 23

Vincent was currently in consultation with the director of photography. Remy Janes lit damn near every shot in the show, and he was exceedingly good. It was a big coup when the producers managed to snag him to work on the show. I knew whatever change they were about to make would improve the shot. But while they talked, we were forced to wait in our places because Vincent wouldn’t let us move.

So Dan and I were pressed together on the couch, I was sweating my balls off, and Lucas was making faces at us through the doorway. I was ignoring him, but Dan was laughing. His mirth was shaking my whole body. I couldn’t stop the scowl. That just made Dan laugh all the harder and then lean in so his lips were right at my ear.

“You and Lucas seemed to have worked things out.”

I fought the blush that threatened with everything I had. I kept my voice low. “Yeah.”

Dan paused and then quirked an eyebrow. “Do I want to know how?”