Chapter 2

Besides his steam-powered sky-ship, he had a few more adjuncts to tinker with such as the development of the suction device, a small by-pass off the main engine for tea making, and perhaps even some kind of steam-driven light source. Trying to carry gas into the air to fuel a lamp seemed a risky affair at best. Once he had them done and connected, he’d get his craft airborne, unfurl the gossamer wings, and ride the currents of the ether wherever they might take him. Surely to the moon, if not farther…

Listlessly shoving food around on his plate, he focused on a scrap of paper he dragged from a pocket and scribbled a new idea with a stub of graphite while he ate. He barely noticed his father’s frown or his mother’s small head shake, a gentle, wordless rebuke to her spouse to leave the lad alone.