Time to quit daydreaming and get to work. He finished his inspection of the craft and continued the pre-flight work by checking every member of the crew and their gear. All was in order. As soon as Cantor deigned to arrive, they could lift off. He sipped a bit of bland distilled water from his hydrator pack and tried to calm the flutter of excitement somewhere behind his breastbone. This was what he’d worked for, longed for and finally arrived at the point to do.
Cantor showed up soon, walking evenly at least and only a bit red of nose and rheumy about the eyes. Rowan snapped him a sharp salute, reporting all in order. Almost at once they prepared for lift off. No great power was needed to break clear of Titan’s mild gravity. Guardian Wasp rose cleanly into the dark void and settled to cruising speed, headed for distant places and her assigned duties.