When he could speak again, Rowan looked down at Tom, still kneeling in front of him. “Man, you’re goodat that! An inventor and a champion cocksucker all rolled into one. And my prize since I managed to snare you. What a piece of luck.”
Tom rose with stiff, awkward movements, as if his legs had gone to sleep. “Is it too much to ask for you to return the favor?”
Rowan raised one eyebrow, making the other man sweat for a breath or two. “I guess not.” He stepped away from the side of Tom’s craft as he zipped his suit up again. Tom moved to where Rowan had stood, as he fumbled with the buttons on his trousers.
Watching him, Rowan could not resist a small dig. “Damn, man, that’s a hell of a way to fasten your pants. How can you get the job done if you have to piss in a hurry?”
“Just don’t wait until the last minute,” Tom replied.