Chapter 13

He turned to Tom, who had been tagging at his heels through the whole process. Although some of the crew still looked askance at the stranger in their midst, no one seemed really hostile to him.

“Do you have any experience with sobering up a drunk?”

Tom shook his head, then seemed to reconsider. “A bit. I had a chum at school who could always sneak about and find a flask somewhere. There were times we had to get him sober and presentable for a function, lest he be expelled. He was probably safe, being a duke’s eldest son, but we lower form lads were intimidated by the schoolmaster and most of our instructors. We suspected we’d all be punished if anyone found Rudolph in his cups.”

“So what did you use?”

“Threw cold water on him until he began to wake up, plied him with coffee or the strongest tea we could brew and sometimes sang bawdy songs almost into his ears.”