“Adam? Erwin?” Jojo yelled, still unable to open his eyes.
“I’m right here babe, I’m right here.” Adam’s voice reassured Jojo.
“I’m here, Master Jojo. You’re both okay, I think. They used pepper spray on you both.” Erwin panted.
“Pepper spray? Why?”
Tiny’s sobs stopped Jojo’s questioning. “It’s because of me,” Tiny said. “I owe those guys six million pesos.”
“What? What are six million pesos?” Adam shouted, his breathing heavy from exertion.
“It’s about one hundred thousand dollars,” Jojo said.
“Why do you owe that much?” Adam asked.
“I borrowed money for the club.”
“Okay, we all need to be calm, and stop talking,” Erwin commanded. “Masters Tiny, Jojo, and Adam, there is crowd around us. And some are filming it, I think.”
“Shit,” Tiny said. “I’m not even presentable.”
Jojo lay there blinking the tears away, wishing the pain would subside.
“Come on, babe, we’re going to the hospital. Both of you.”