Chapter 5

Perhaps little seduction and persuasion will be required. That’s good. I’ve little patience for such nonsense, really, and even less recent practice.

“I’m sure you’re tired and ready for repose. Let me show you the bedroom so you can go ahead and retire. Although I have a bit of work to do this evening, I’ll be along in good time.”

Did Driz’s expression reveal a hint of disappointment? Cory could not be sure, although he decided that boded well if it were true. If the lad actually were eager, so much the better. Make him wait a bit and it will seem more of a reward than a payment for lessons in mage-craft. Hiding his smug smile, Cory rose and led the way to the loft bedroom area. He did have a good bed, wide and cushiony. Sturdy too, well made enough to sustain a bit of energetic romping when the need arose.