He didn’t dare try to reach for his mother, as badly as he wanted to. That was just too dangerous because he could not guarantee the shield would hide a telepathic shout of that strength. Suddenly, he felt as if they’d come up against yet another wall, although nothing tangible was there. Instinct told him the prisoners deemed most powerful and thus most dangerous were held there, inside a third spell-wall set by the rogue mage. Would they be able to break through it? He fought down his doubt and fear lest it weaken him and spread to the others.
Within a few heartbeats, most of the strike force assembled again, the work of clearing the first section accomplished. They huddled together, touching, to expedite communication in the least obtrusive way possible.
::What now?::It seemed they all looked to Cory for leadership and direction. One grizzled elder perhaps should have had that role, still, for whatever reason, he deferred to the younger mage.