Gingerly I opened one eye and ginger is what I saw, a big, fat furry ginger butt. Why wasn’t Ringo upstairs with Abigail? Would she be hurt that the cat liked me better? Had I even done right coming back here? I had needed to reach out to her, and to Dave, but whether it was for their sakes or mine, well, I just didn’t know. What if I hadn’t come back and found her in time? What if the storm had ripped that old house apart completely, or enough to injure her?
What if I hadn’t stayed away so long?
I had no answers, and I was probably just scaring myself for no reason. Well, there’s always a reason, and it’s probably insecurity. But just then Ringo crawled off me and stepped on Dave’s stomach, causing him to, um, pass a wee bit of gas, which cracked me up. Our first fart. How romantic can life get?